Red sun 红红的太阳作文200字
The sea was calm.
I stood on the bank looking at the sunset, like a shy girl with a red face. That red, red warm people; Red enlivened the fish; Red is happy with the crying baby. I'm looking forward, excited, excited to wait.
The sea was calm.
Some naughty fish poked out their heads and then darted back in terror. No sooner had the baby stopped crying than he opened his mouth and cried "ha ha ha ha". I looked at the sunset, it was like a drunken man, red in the face. The red, dyed red sea; The red hills are golden; The red, burning life in full bloom. I am happy, excited, and shocked.
It roars and roars and makes people feel great and awed. Just as the people did not retreat, it "plop", like a child, happily sank to the bottom of the sea and went somewhere else.
The sea was calm……
“So, dad.Are solar or sea?Who is red?”Need not go to guess ,mybaby.Although do not know to be who ,but in which surely has us.”
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