英语演讲稿:精彩的演讲稿赏析 篇一
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, teachers and my fellowfriends.Thetitle of the speech that i‘m going to talk about is on money asyou see, we have a society where people just concentrate on earningmoney to payoff their mortgage, credit cards, holiday expanses etc, most of themfail tonotice the gradual decline in their them money is much muchmoreimportant than health.As it says, " money is the root of all evil." Iagreewith it.Therefore, it is now time for us to watch out for our healthandtreasure our body! Thank you!
英语演讲稿:精彩的演讲稿赏析 篇二
My mother is an ordinary teacher. She always puts her students beforeeverything. She is nothing different from other people at the first sight. Butlater you will find that she is so responsible. In my mind, she is very weekends, she always prepare the class at home. Sometimes she even ask thestudents to come to our house for remediation for free. All her students likeher. Sometimes I almost envy her students. Luckily, my mother also very careabout me. she puts all her time on our family and her students, leaving nothingfor herself. She is so great, and I proud of her; and I love her.
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