时间:2022-01-10 13:33:09 | 来源:第一作文网
China to brace for holiday rush
China's air travel sector has recovered significantly and is expected to brace for a holiday travel rush as National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are around the corner, the Civil Aviation Administration of China said on Tuesday.
Jin Junhao, deputy director of the administration's transportation department, said the country will lift restrictions on the limit of weekly flights on 49 domestic air routes, giving carriers more flexibility to operate passenger flights involving airports in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, among other busy airports.
The regulator also eased access for airlines to operate regional flights linking smaller airports with major hubs in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, to help airlines tap into potential markets, as well as promote the recovery of small and medium-sized airports, he said.
民航局?a href=http://www.123zuowen.com/s/gouzuowen/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>狗趴砹松婕?ldquo;北上广”三大机场支线航线准入限制,以帮助航空公司开拓潜在市场,推动中小型机场的复苏。
According to online travel agency Tongcheng-eLong, flight ticket prices have seen a significant increase ahead of the holiday, and the average ticket price of round trips is close to what it was in the same period last year.
China's air travel sector has recovered significantly and is expected to brace for a holiday travel rush as National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are around the corner, the Civil Aviation Administration of China said on Tuesday.
Jin Junhao, deputy director of the administration's transportation department, said the country will lift restrictions on the limit of weekly flights on 49 domestic air routes, giving carriers more flexibility to operate passenger flights involving airports in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, among other busy airports.
The regulator also eased access for airlines to operate regional flights linking smaller airports with major hubs in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, to help airlines tap into potential markets, as well as promote the recovery of small and medium-sized airports, he said.
民航局?a href=http://www.123zuowen.com/s/gouzuowen/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>狗趴砹松婕?ldquo;北上广”三大机场支线航线准入限制,以帮助航空公司开拓潜在市场,推动中小型机场的复苏。
According to online travel agency Tongcheng-eLong, flight ticket prices have seen a significant increase ahead of the holiday, and the average ticket price of round trips is close to what it was in the same period last year.
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