时间:2022-01-10 13:33:15 | 来源:第一作文网
Queen opens estate as cinema
Britain's Queen Elizabeth will open up one of her private estates to the public for a drive-through movie night.
On Sept 25, members of the public will be able to drive onto Sandringham Estate for a socially distanced cinema experience.
Tickets cost 32.5 pounds for a series of films beginning with "1917" and including "Rocketman", "Toy Story", "The Greatest Showman" and "A Star Is Born".
An advert for the event listed online reads: "Enjoy your favorite movie from the comfort of your car in the wonderful setting of Sandringham Country Park. We have selected some great street food vendors to join us at each performance. Upgrade your ticket for just 7.50 pounds to add a deckchair, table, popcorn and separate area to the side of your vehicle."
Sandringham was purchased by Queen Victoria in 1892 and is now privately owned by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.
It is unlikely that film-enthusiasts will bump into the Queen, who is currently at Balmoral. She is not expected to return to Sandringham until Christmas.
Britain's Queen Elizabeth will open up one of her private estates to the public for a drive-through movie night.
On Sept 25, members of the public will be able to drive onto Sandringham Estate for a socially distanced cinema experience.
Tickets cost 32.5 pounds for a series of films beginning with "1917" and including "Rocketman", "Toy Story", "The Greatest Showman" and "A Star Is Born".
An advert for the event listed online reads: "Enjoy your favorite movie from the comfort of your car in the wonderful setting of Sandringham Country Park. We have selected some great street food vendors to join us at each performance. Upgrade your ticket for just 7.50 pounds to add a deckchair, table, popcorn and separate area to the side of your vehicle."
Sandringham was purchased by Queen Victoria in 1892 and is now privately owned by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.
It is unlikely that film-enthusiasts will bump into the Queen, who is currently at Balmoral. She is not expected to return to Sandringham until Christmas.
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