Allison和Clark是一对夫妻,Clark 78岁,Allison35岁,他们一整个晚上都在做南瓜灯笼……
Allison and her husband, Clark, who is much older than she, spend an evening carving1 pumpkins3 until early the next morning.
Allison struggled away from her white Renault, limping with the weight of the last of the pumpkins. She found Clark in the twilight4 on the twig-and-leaf-littered porch behind the house.
He wore a wool shawl. He was moving up and back in a padded glider6, pushed by the ball of his slippered7 foot.
Allison lowered a big pumpkin2, let it rest on the wide floorboards.
Clark was much older-seventy-eight to Allison's thirty-five. They were married. They were both quite tall and looked something alike in their facial features. Allison wore a natural-hair wig5. It was a thick blonde hood8 around her face. She was dressed in bright-dyed denims today. She wore durable9 clothes, usually, for she volunteered afternoons at a children's daycare center.
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