德国位于欧洲中部,东邻波兰、捷克,南接奥地利、瑞士,西接荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国,北与丹麦相连并邻北海和波罗的海与北欧国家隔海相望,是欧洲西部邻国最多的国莱茵河风光家.边境线全长3758公里,从最南部的巴伐利亚州奥伯斯特道夫到最北边济特岛上的里斯特,相距876公里;从东端的萨克森州泰斯特至西端的北莱茵 - 威斯特法伦州塞尔康特距离640公里.全国总面积为357 020平方公里.地势北低南高,可分为四个地形区:北德平原,平均海拔不到100米;中德山地,由东西走向的高地块构成;西南部莱茵断裂谷地区,两旁是山地,谷壁陡峭;南部的巴伐利亚高原和阿尔卑斯山区,其间拜恩阿尔卑斯山脉的主峰祖格峰海拔2963米,为全国最高峰.主要河流有莱茵河(流经境内865公里)、易北河、威悉河、奥得河、多瑙河。
Germany, located in central Europe east of Poland, the Czech republic, Austria, Switzerland, in the south west to the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, are connected to the Danish north and adjacent to the north sea and the Baltic and Nordic countries across the sea, is the most western European neighbors of the Rhine river scenery. The 3758 km border from the southern state of Bavaria Mr Buster doffer list alms to the north of the island, 876 km; From the west of the east end of Saxony to north rhine-westphalia Selma kt distance 640 km. The total area of 357 020 square kilometers. The low terrain north meteorological, can be divided into four now: the north German plain, an average of less than 100 meters above sea level; Sino-german mountain, made up of east-west high plot; Rhine valley of fracture in southwest region, both sides is mountainous, the steep valley walls; Southern Bavaria plateau and alpine, meantime byrne the Alps, the main peak zugspitze at an altitude of 2963 meters, for the highest peak. The main rivers are the Rhine (through the territory of 865 km), elbe, weser, oder, the Danube.
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