1、没有人心疼的时候,就自己心疼自己。There is no love, love yourself.
2、人海中,认定了你,这便是我的执着。Crowd, identified you, this is my persistent.
3、在我心中任何时刻都只有想你!爱你!In my heart any moment only think you! Love you!
4、你如果长得丑点,我可以跟你吃饭,跟你去看电影,一起谈人生,谈理想,可是你那么好看,我只想和你睡觉。If you were uglier, I could have dinner with you, go to the movies with you, talk about life and dream together, but you are so good-looking, I just want to sleep with you.
5、好想一头扎进你怀里,闻着你身上的熟悉味道,告诉你这些天来的委屈,以及,我很想你。I really want to plunge into your arms, smell the familiar smell of your body, tell you these days to injustice, and, I miss you very much.
6、幸福就是,我爱你,然后你也爱上我。Happiness is, I love you, then you also fall in love with me.
7、凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦。Everything is a price, the price of happiness is pain.
8、我也明白,孤独总是无处不在,但如果可以过上有你的未来,漫长的岁月就都值得等待。I also know that loneliness is everywhere, but if you can live in the future with you, the long years will be worth the wait.
9、我愿意爱你、照顾你、保护你一生一世!I am willing to love you, take care of you, protect you whole life!
10、只要习惯于一个人的习惯,便能幸福!As long as you used to the habit of a person, can be happy!
11、爱情没有谁对谁错,只有你爱不爱我。Love has no who to who wrong, only you love me or not.
12、有时候,只是想有个人安静地抱抱我。Sometimes, just want to have personal quiet to hug me.
13、枕头上还遗留你的味道,可你却不在。Pillow also left you, but you did not.
14、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。You are always on my mind, just ratio changed.
15、别人都说活在世界上好苦好苦,不过我是幸运的,因为有个甜甜的你一直陪在我身边。People say that living in the world is a good bitter bitter, but I am lucky, because there is a sweet you have always been with me.
16、希望困的时候离床不远,拉肚子的时候离家不远,饿的时候离饭馆不远,喜欢你的时候离你不远。I hope it"s not far from the bed when I"m sleepy, not far from home when I have loose bowels, not far from the restaurant when I"m hungry, not far from you when I like you.
1、好想让清风把我的思念捎给你,可清风说我的思念太重,怕驮不动。I really want to let the breeze bring my missing to you, but the breeze said that My missing is too heavy to bear.
2、想念和纪念,不会比我的生命更长久。Miss and memorial, not more than my life for a long time.
3、你是我的,谁都抢不走,我就是这么霸道。我是你的,谁都领不走,我就是这么死心。You are mine, no one can take away, I am so domineering、I"m yours、I can"t take anyone away、I"m just so desperate.
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