英语作文演讲稿格式 篇一
in order to get high marks, some students figure out all the ways, theworse situation is to plagiarize other student’s hard-working. plagiarism is abig mistake, the teachers are always emphasizing it, but the lazy students goagainst the rule, they want to pass assessment easily. these students should beshameful about themselves.
on the one hand, plagiarizing means the lack of respect of other students’hard-working. students need to spend many hours and put a lot of effort tofinish the paper; the outcome means their wisdom and paid, just as the oldsaying, “no pain, no gain”。 while the lazy students destroy other students’effort, they just get the job done without their own thinking; they can even getthe more high marks. this is very unfair; every student should finish the taskin their own wisdom, showing respect to each other.
on the other hand, the students who are used to plagiarism will end uphurting themselves. if the students’ such behavior is found by others, they willget bad record in their files, which means they will have problem on trustissues, it is hard for them to find a job. if they are lucky to not be found,they still learn nothing, they lack of ability.
in conclusion, plagiarism is a shameful behavior; students should learnthings by their own minds.
英语作文演讲稿模板 篇二
Which Is More Important: Knowledge from Books or
Knowledge from Experience
As we know, most knowledge we have comes from two sources: the books orpersonal experience in our daily life. Each one has its advantage. Maybe somepeople think that book knowledge is more important than experience knowledge.However, I am strongly against their opinion. I consider that experience is moreuseful.
Firstly, practical experience can help us find jobs successful. There aretwo★WWW.HUZHIDAO.COM★ kinds of people: experienced employees and college graduates, if you are amanager, which one do you prefer? There is no doubt that you will choose theexperienced employees. Because they have more practical knowledge, theyunderstand what their companies needs and how to make profit for theircompanies. Some college graduates have learned much book knowledge, but theycan’t take advantage of these theories effectively. Therefore, many companiesare not willing to employ graduates. This phenomenon tells us experience is moreimportant for us to find good jobs.
Secondly, experience can give us more impressed knowledge. It’s said thatone learn by doing, if you want to make advances, it’s necessary to , we learn how to get along with others or how to have self-respect fromexperience. We feel happy and sorrow directly from experience. The preciousknowledge absolutely can’t get from books.
Thirdly, our country’s development depends on innovation, which comes fromexperimentation. Comparing Chinese education system with American’s, we knowthat Chinese education usually pay more attention to scores students get andneglect their ability of innovation. On the contrary, American educationemphasizes personal practice, that’s the reason why the progress of Americantechnology is so rapid. The contrast reminds us of the importance of experienceknowledge.
Needless to say both learning sources have their own advantages. But in myopinion, experience knowledge is more important, because without practicalexperience, it’s impossible to get a real understanding of book knowledge, andto know how to apply this knowledge to real situations.
英语作文演讲稿模板 篇三
We all have a common home. she provides us with enough food, enough water and enough living room.We get everything from the nature to live better, but we donnot do anything to protect her. how the air is polluted;the earth is poisoned; water is unsafe to drink and rubbish is burying the civilization that man owns.
Our environment is being polluted faster than nature and man's present efforts can prevent. time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry.So many trees will be cut down, and more large cities will be set up. lots of waste material, in return,is produced and harms the environment.so some experts declare that the balance of nature is being upset,so that the very survival of man is in danger.
How can we solve this problem?the answer is that we must control the speed of growing people,forbid everyone to cut down trees and pour waste water into rivers and so on.
If we achieve this, the environment will turn very clean,and our future will be full of happiness.
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